Garbage & Mowing Info
SW Garbage is scheduled for Memorial Day – Labor Day every year for the beach. Garbage trucks pick up every Thursday morning and recycling is every other week. Ideally, mowing is completed prior to Friday for the week. It has worked out well that whoever mows for the week, also collects the garbage and sets both cans on the other side of the fence before Thursday morning. See the Google Doc to sign up for a week or two.
Let’s work together to maintain beach cleanliness. If you notice one of the trash bins near the picnic tables is full, please take it to the large bin by the fence. Extra garbage bags are in the cabinet next to the porta-potty.
If there are issues or questions, please contact the President.
Household Trash Update
Currently, each household is responsible for setting up its own garbage and recycling services. At our last association meeting, the Enderle family expressed an interest in streamlining services to reduce the amount of truck traffic. They plan on looking into pricing and drafting up a proposal for members to vote on. More to come!